Large Ham: Makes you wonder if Jun Fukuyama didn't took the role because he wanted to yell a lot.
Then there's the fact that Kaito friends have gotten into dangerous situations of their own free will without telling Kaito including Gammon and Gammon only survived the exorcism labryinth puzzle in Venice thanks to the armband.
What is his solution Join POG and try to kill Kaito with his puzzles, therefore putting his friends into even more dangerous situations.
Hypocrite: So he thinks that Kaito has to be dealt with because his armbad makes him disregard the lives of his friends and he constantly puts them in dangerous situations.
Green-Eyed Monster: His jealously of Kaito's abilities is one of the reason for his Face–Heel Turn.
Downplayed, because sometimes his friends would remind him of his betrayal.
Doting Older Brother: In episode 11 of season 2, much to Miharu's dismay.
Later in Season 3, he's one of the potential Phi Brain candidates to be sacrificed to Orpheus.
Always Someone Better: Has inadequacy issues do to Kaito being the better puzzler.
Unwitting Pawn: Towards Klondike's plan to create the 'Final Ring.'.
Post-Victory Collapse: Suffered from this at the beginning of season 1.
Parental Abandonment: His parents died when he was little and his guardian, Baron Kaido, sent him off to a boarding school in England.
He has been obsessed with keeping his word ever since.
My Greatest Failure: Nine years ago (as of Season 1-2), he and Rook were separated on the day they stayed out too late after he had been late for his appointment.
I Let You Win: Thanks to the vision he saw of the future he choose not to take the two beams and win against Gammon.
Heroic Safe Mode: Everytime when the Orpheus Armband is activated.
Heroic Resolve: So strong that he has rejected the Orpheus ring's power over him.
Happily Adopted: His parents were POG officers assigned to train him as a Phi Brain candidate, but they grew to genuinely love him as their own son.
Eyelid Pull Taunt: His signature pose is a Shout-Out to the tongue photo of his title's namesake.
Does Not Like Spam: Leeks and Nonoha's sweets.
" Puzzle Time no hajimari da!" * Eyelid Pull Taunt* (Let the Puzzle Time begin).